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  • When Should You Opt For the Services of a Pedodontist?

When Should You Opt For the Services of a Pedodontist?

The services of Pedodontist should be sought for proper dental care and for routine dental examinations. If needed, the cleaning of teeth should be carried out. In case a tooth is taken out, a Pedodontist will place a special maintainer instead of that, in that position, so that the adult tooth gets correctly found in that position. Find out when you should opt for the services of the best pedodontist in Kolkata.

Tongue thrusting

It is a fact that some kids have the habit of putting out their tongue which might protrude their lower jaw. A Pedodontist can advise the installation of braces for this and orthopedic care might also be required to deal with the problem.

Thumb sucking

It is mostly prevalent among kids up to 4 years age. In case the problem persists after four years of age, it is necessary to get in touch with a Pedodontist. Otherwise, it might lead to the protruding of front teeth and can result in over biting. At a later stage, a Pedodontist might advice the placement of invisalign braces in Kolkata. Then, he might refer the patient to an orthodontist – who can offer orthopaedic care in case the jaws and teeth are abnormally developing in an abnormal way.

Sucking of lip

It is true that some kids have the bad habit of sucking their lower lip, which can result in improper dental development. Even in this case, braces might be required. A Pedodontist always has a positive approach towards the dental problems of children. In order to help a kid get rid of all such bad habits, a Pedodontist might also recommend a psychological approach. Most of the kids out there develop the habits of lip sucking, thumb sucking etc because they feel a lack of security. Parents must refrain from beating or scolding their children for this. Instead, every time kids stop doing it, they should give a reward.

Infant care

It is necessary to take infants to dentists, right after the development appearance of the milk teeth when they are around 7 to 8 months of age. With only dental consultation with a professional Pedodontist, it is possible to get expert advice about the use of a bottle, proper diet for the baby, tooth brushing, use of fluoride etc. A Pedodontist can deal with preventive dental care for children of this age. They can provide parents with advice about how dental health is affected by nutrition. By having early consultation with a professional Pedodontist, children can also feel more comfortable with their physician in the future.

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